MRATrack WMS for Third Party
Logistics or Public Warehouses
MRATrack WMS is an economical warehouse management solution
with SQL-based warehouse inventory tracking, allowing the use of
cordless, portable handheld terminals — in either batch or RF
(realtime) mode. Depending
which of the three configurations you choose, the system includes
advanced warehouse
management capabilities, including directed picking and put-away,
cubing, wave management, and cross docking.
By adding the 3PL Ebusiness Module and/or Public Warehouse
Tariff and Rate Charges Module, you can customize the
MRATrack WMS for 3PL or public warehouse use.
3PL Ebusiness Module
The Ebusiness Module enables 3PL customers and/or their suppliers
to view stock levels via the internet. It can also trigger
the delivery of automatic email alerts to the appropriate
parties when an order is shipped
or a reorder
report is run.
Internet Capabilities
Via an internet server, a user can display all items provided
by a particular supplier or those items within a certain
stock category. The item
information includes: Item#, Item Description, Current
Quantity On-hand, Minimum
Quantity Threshold, Maximum Quantity Threshold, and Reorder
Quantity. Items are sorted by Item Number, with items below
Minimum Quantity
Threshold appearing at the top of the list.
Email Notification
Whenever a Packing List is printed, an email of the contents
of the Packing List is sent to the specified email
recipients. Similarly, whenever
a Reorder Report is created, a list of the
items below Minimum Quantity Threshold can also be sent to one
or more recipients.
Public Warehouse Tariff and Rate Charges Module
The 3PL Tariff and Rate Charges Module includes two
ways to charge 3PL / Public warehouse customers:
by storage space over
a date
range and/or transactions over a date range.
- Charge by Storage Space
Storage rate is calculated based on the average number
of cubes stored over a date range. The number of cubes is multiplied
by the customer’s storage
rate, to give the storage charges for the time period.
- Charge by Transaction
Transaction fees are calculated based on each transaction
type performed for a customer/supplier over a data range. The
number of each transaction type
is multiplied by the customer’s fees to give the fee for each transaction
type for the time period. These modules work with MRATrack WMS in either the
batch or RF versions.